Atlas del zooplancton del Atlántico Sudoccidental y métodos de trabajo con el zooplancton marino

Boltovskoy, Demetrio (Editor).
Mar del Plata : INIDEP, 1981.
936 p. (Publicaciones Especiales INIDEP).


Early oceanographic surveys in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean were carried out exclusively by foreign expeditions. As a consequence, all the resulting observations and detailed studies performed on the biological collections were published in their respective countries. This situation continued well into the twentieth century, when Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay began to develop their own scientific policies, conducting their own programs on marine research. Published in 1981, the aim of the ‘Zooplankton Atlas’ was to gather all the information on Systematics produced throughout both historical periods in one single reference Handbook. The accomplishment of this task involved the participation of local and foreign specialists in the taxonomical groups considered, from protists to metazoarians, and from holoplanktonic species to development stages of decapods and fishes. Each chapter refers to a given taxonomical group, including a brief morphological description and introductory topics to its biology, as well as the geographical distribution. Dichotomous keys and illustrations highlighting those morphological structures relevant to taxonomy are provided to correctly identify species. The ‘Atlas’ covers eleven marine planktonic Classes and it is supported by an extensive bibliographic list reviewing no less than three thousand papers. A few preliminary chapters give a general introduction to the physical and biological oceanography of the region, as well as standard techniques related to zooplankton sampling, fixation and result processing.