INIDEP Documento científico Nº 04 -1995 – Contenido

Bezzi, S.I.; Dato, C. 1995.  Conocimiento biológico pesquero del recurso merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) y su pesquería en la República Argentina.
INIDEP Documento Científico, 4: 52 p.

This paper summarizes the present knowledge on Merluccius hubbsi and its fishery in Argentina, based on the model proposed by the Technical Secretary of Comisión Técnica Mixta del Frente Marítimo, in 1990. It includes the taxonomic location of the species, its geographical distribution, stock unity, structure and population dynamics. It describes the fishing gear and fishing operations and presents the available information on selectivity and discards. The paper shows the data landings separated by fleet. Exploitation regulatory measures in force are included.