INIDEP Documento científico Nº 03 -1994 – Contenido

Bezzi, S.I.; Cañete, G.R.; Perez, M.; Renzi, M.A.; Lassen, H. 1994. Informe del grupo de trabajo del INIDEP sobre evaluación de la merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) al norte de 48° S (Océano Atlántico Sudoeste).
INIDEP Documento Científico, 3: 1-28.

The assessment covers hake between 34° and 48°S (Argentina and Uruguay), excluding Golfo San Matías. Total international landings and Argentine catch-at-age and effort data available for the 1983-1991 period allowed an analytical assessment. Tunning of the VPA was made using Laurec-Shepherd analysis and Extended Survivor analysis. The results of these analysis are congruent with the information about the state of the stock. VPA biomass estimates are aound 2.1 and 2.7 mill. Tonnes, which are similar to those calculated through surveys. The Spawning Stock Biomass estimated for 1991 is considered to be within limits where the stock shows stable recruitment. At the present effort level, yield and Spawning Stock Biomass appear to remain stable. Management measures are also discussed.