INIDEP Documento Científico, 2: 53-59.

Carreto, J.I.; Akselman, R.; Cucchi Colleoni, A.D.; Carignan, M.O.; Pájaro, M. 1993.  Presencia de veneno paralizante de moluscos en hígado de caballa de la región costera bonaerense.
INIDEP Documento Científico, 2: 53-59.

During november 1992 an intense bloom of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense accurred in coastal waters from Mar del Plata, Argentina. Toxicity testing of Mytilus edulis populations of the region revealed high levels of paralytic shellfish poison. In order to study the possible PSP accumulation in mackerel (Scomber japonicus), mouse bioassay (AOAC) was performed in livers from individuals captured during December 1992. Liver extracts were lethal to mice; the symptoms observed were typical of those caused by paralytic shellfish toxins. Although PSP concentration is below the established limit for human consumption, it suggests that mackerel can accumulate PSP toxins from its food. On the basis of stomach content analysis of sampled mackerel and the related literature, the occurrence of possible toxins vector organisms is discussed.