INIDEP Documento Científico, 2: 19-29.

Pájaro, M. 1993.  Consideraciones sobre la alimentación de la caballa con especial énfasis en la depredación de huevos y larvas de peces.
INIDEP Documento Científico, 2: 19-29.

Adult and juvenile fish inter and intraspecific predation may be an important source on these first development stages. In this work, adult and juvenile mackerel samples from two areas of Buenos Aires province, one south of Cape San Antonio and the other near Mar del Plata city were analyzed. An important anchovy postlarvae ingestion in both regions considered was observed. A high number of mackerel eggs in the stomach contents from adults was identified. This evidence of cannibalistic behaviour in the argentine mackerel is the first of its kind made in this species and allows to suggest that embryo mortality due to cannibalism might constitute and important percentage of the total embryonic mortality.