INIDEP Informe Técnico Nº 55 – 2003

ELÍAS, I. & PEREIRO, R. 2003. Estudios sobre la factibilidad de una pesquería artesanal con palangres en los golfos y costa de la Provincia del Chubut, Argentina. INIDEP Informe Técnico, 55: 21p. – Ver texto completo

Feasibility of an artisanal longline fishery in the coast and gulfs of Chubut Province, Argentina. Artisanal fishing activities (bivalve extraction through diving, hand-collection of octopuses and beach seine fishing) are currently the only ways to exploit the coastal resources inhabiting the argentine northern patagonic gulfs (42º-43º S). These are time-restricted activities. Diving and hand-collection are limited by management and sanitary policies while resource variability and commercial demand limit beach fishing. The objective of this work was to test a productive alternative, i.e. , the use of longlines to increase and diversify catches in order to improve commercialization, contribute to a rational management and alleviate the pressure put on the resources exploited at present. Results obtained indicate that profitability of the activity in the gulfs would be favoured by the high yields reached during summer in the San José Gulf (0.700 kg/hook) and in the Nuevo Gulf in spring. The target species for the longline fishery would be the vitaminic shark (Galeorhinus galeus) and the cock fish (Callorhynchus callorhynchus). Depending on the fishing grounds, selective catches of adult fish could be obtained with type 10/0 hooks in either bottom or mid-water longlines. On the other hand, this fishing circuit, complementary to bivalve extraction, would avoid displacement of artisanal fishermen from their natural and historic work environment, Valdés Peninsula.