INIDEP Informe Técnico, 51: 111-121.

Irusta, G.; Hernández, D.R. 2003. Aplicación de un modelo dinámico de biomasa para evaluar el efectivo sur de merluza. Período 1986-1998. Ver texto completo

Biomass dynamic model application to assess the hake stock south of 41° S. 1986-1998 period. The status of hake (Merluccius hubbsi) resource south of 41° S was evaluated with the Biomass Dynamic Model of Pella and Tomlinson. Results indicate that the population was overexploited and in a low biological production level (B99/BMSY<1) because, as of 1998, catches always exceeded the surplus production corresponding to each year and the MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield). In 1993 increase of landings accelerated declination of biomass. For 1999 the MSY was estimated at 244,773 t and the replacement catch at 147,389 t. Landings corresponding to 1998 surpassed the MSY in 145,000 t and the replacement catch in 242,611 t.