INIDEP Informe Técnico Nº 45 – 2002

GARCIARENA, A.D., PERROTTA, R.G. & LÓPEZ, F. 2002. Informe sobre el muestreo de desembarque de anchoíta (Engraulis anchoita) y caballa (Scomber japonicus) en el puerto de Mar del Plata: período septiembre 1999-enero 2000, con algunos comentarios sobre el manejo de estos recursos.
INIDEP Informe Técnico, 45: 17 p.
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Anchovy ( Engraulis anchoita ) and chub mackerel ( Scomber japonicus ). Biostatistical fish sampling at the Mar del Plata seaport. September 1999 – January 2000 period with some comments about the management of these resources. This paper deals with chub mackerel and anchovy commercial landings at the Mar del Plata seaport during the September 1999-January 2000 period. A total of 14 chub mackerel samples were taken for total length measurements exclusively and 5 anchovy sub-samples and 1 chub mackerel sub-sample were analyzed to record individual data (total length, weight, sex, sexual stage, age from otoliths readings). Most of the fish caught for both species were adults, and only a small fraction of chub mackerel juveniles was found in December 1999. Length-at-fifty-percent-maturity was calculated, length-weight and length-age relationships were fitted and length growth parameters estimated. Results were as follows:

Anchovy Chub mackerel
L 50% (mm) = 99.84 L 50% (mm) = 273.09
W= 10 -6 *L 3.364 W= 10 -5 *L 2.955
L8 (mm)= 189 L8 (mm)= 462.88
k (years -1 )= 0.402 k (years -1 )= 0.25
t 0 (years)= -1.59 t 0 (years)= -2.051

Sea surface temperature (SST) in the fishing area was recorded on board of a sampling boat. Chub mackerel cpue, that showed a decrease when SST increased, was calculated. Data from landings of the different fleets for both species as well as the significance of these resources to the small purse-seine fleet economy were analyzed.