INIDEP Informe Técnico Nº 44 – 2002

Beneficio económico en la pesca de caballa (Scomber japonicus) con relación a la temperatura superficial del mar en el área de Mar del Plata. INIDEP Informe Técnico, 44: 9 p. Ver texto completo

Economic profit of the chub mackerel fishery (Scomber japonicus) in relation to sea surface temperature in the Mar del Plata area. The temperature that limits the presence of schools of argentine chub mackerel was found to be around 19 °C. At higher values, most shoals leave coastal waters in direction to the mid-shelf. An inverse relationship was observed between catches per unit of effort (CPUE) and sea surface temperature. The highest CPUE values corresponded to temperatures lower than 19 °C. Beyond that value, the possibility of obtaining a CPUE higher than the unit is nearly null and the low standard deviation means it is unlikely to reach high CPUE values. The economic profit per minute of each daily cruise was estimated using a case study carried out with a single vessel (“pilot”) with mean structural and functional characteristics similar to those of the commercial fleet. The results obtained showed differences in the two temperature ranges considered, with a mean profit 15 fold higher for temperatures lower than 19 °C. As of said temperature, 25% of the catches generate economic losses. Profit also decreases along the fishing season. According to these results, a simple strategy for the commercial fleet is proposed.