INIDEP Informe Técnico Nº 42 – 2001

Irusta, G.; Bezzi, S.I.; Simonazzi, M.A.; Castrucci, R. 2001. Los desembarques argentinos de merluza (Merluccius hubbsi ) entre 1987 y 1997. INIDEP Informe Técnico, 42: 24 p. Ver texto completo

The evolution of argentine landings, characteristics of trawl fleets, principal ports, landings per fleet and management unit (north and south of 41°S), areas and fishing seasons are described. Main results show a continuous increase of argentine hake landings as of 1987. Freezers, that operated in the Patagonian zone along the whole year, was the fleet that most contributed to said increase while the ice chilling fleet maintained its level of landings in the period considered. During the second and third quarter of 1996 and 1997, in the north management unit, the fleet fished in the argentine sector of the Common Fishing Zone and north of 41°S. During 1996, in the south management unit, the main fishing zones for both fleets were northeast of Escondida Island closed area in summer and the permanent nursery ground in winter. As of August 1997, due to the implementation of juveniles closed area, there was a spatial segregation of landings and effort of both fleets. As a consequence, the ice chilling fleet operated in the north of the closed area and freezers in east-south of the same. Although closure limits the plundering activity on juveniles, the biological stop implemented in December 1997 was more efficient as a measure of stock management.