INIDEP Informe Técnico Nº 40 – 2000

Villarino, M.F.; Simonazzi, M.A.; Bambill, G.; Ibañez, P.M.; Castrucci, R.; Reta, R. 2000. Evaluación de la merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) en julio y agosto de 1994, entre 34º y 36ºS del Atlántico Sudoccidental.
Informe Técnico, 40: 46 p. Ver texto completo

This report contains the objectives, data collected and results from a hake assessment survey carried out in the Argentine Sea between 34° and 46° S, during July and August 1994, on board of the R/Vs “Dr. E. L. Holmberg” and “Cap. Oca Balda”. The main objectives of the survey were: 1)to estimate total biomass and total abundance per age class; 2)to study the size and age composition; 3)to define the maturity ogive per size and age; 4)to quantitatively determine cannibalism and predation indexes. The area covered by the survey where 149 trawls and 184 oceanographic stations were performed was close to 100,440 nm2 . Hake biomass between 34° and 46° S was estimated in 1,105,284 tons and the confidence interval at 95% was ± 23.12%. Most of the biomass corresponded to the area between 41° and 46° S. It was estimated in 737,435 tons and it represented 67% of the total biomass. The abundance of the area between 34° and 41° S was 367,847 tons (33%). The “Common Fishing Zone” biomass was 230,618 tons (21%). Two concentration areas were found: one between 35° – 36° S° with a large presence of individuals smaller than 35 cm (60 to 90%) and a second between 42° and 44° S with densities of up to 165 and 82 tons/nm2 respectively. The first area showed an unimodal length structure and the second showed a bimodal one. Hydrographic characteristics were normal for the period, shelf-waters were homogeneous in temperature and the Malvinas waters restricted to the continental slope.