INIDEP Informe Técnico Nº 38 – 2000

Perrotta, R.G.; Tringali, L.S.; Izzo, A.; Boccanfuso, J.; López, F.; Macchi, G.J. 2000. Aspectos económicos de la pesquería de caballa (Scomber japonicus) y muestreo de desembarque en el puerto de Mar del Plata.
INIDEP Informe Técnico, 38: 14 p.
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Movements pattern records of the Mar del Plata inshore fishing fleet during the 1997/98 and 1998/99 chub mackerel fishing seasons (October-January) allowed to observe that there is coincidence between the decrease of the 1983-1997 catches with respect to years previous to the 1975/76 “critical season” and a reduction of the inshore fleet fishing grounds which modifies accessibility of the fleet to the chub mackerel schools. Biostatistical and gonadal development results obtained in the Mar del Plata area (i.e., presence of adults during almost the whole fishing season which overlaps with the spawning season) do not differ significantly from those obtained during previous fishing seasons. As recommended in previous papers, chub mackerel fishing operations should not be carried out when sea surface temperatures reach 19°C. The opening of a new fishing ground (“El Rincón”) for regular chub mackerel catches, mainly during August, decreases the marketing possibilities of the Mar del Plata chub mackerel inshore fishing fleet which operates later on (October-January). Therefore, it is suggested that a fishing quota be applied to said fleet.