INIDEP Informe Técnico Nº 13 – 1997

Caracterización de los fondos de pesca del langostino patagónico Pleoticus muelleri en el golfo de San jorge y litoral de la provincia de Chubut-Argentina.

Autor: Ana Marta Roux y Mónica Fernández.
Contribución INIDEP 974

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Roux, A.M.; Fernández, M. 1997. Caracterización de los fondos de pesca del langostino patagónico Pleoticus muelleri en el golfo de San jorge y litoral de la provincia de Chubut-Argentina. INIDEP Informe Técnico 13, 28 p. Disponible en:


Characterization of the Argentine red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) fishing grounds in the San Jorge Gulf and Chubut coasts, Argentina. A characterization of the Argentine red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri Bate, 1888) fishing grounds was carried out analyzing the composition, spatial distribution and relative abundance of the species that conform the benthic communities and the sediment characteristics in San Jorge Gulf and Chubut coasts, Argentina. The information was obtained during six cruises carried out by the R/V Capitan Oca Balda and R/V Dr. Eduardo L.Holmberg, between March/1992 and January/1995 and it constitutes the references for shrimp fishing grounds monitoring. A total of 299 biological samples were collected with an epibenthic sampler and 54 sediment samples with a Picard dredge; 218 taxa were recorded. Cluster analysis was applied using Fager, Sorenson and Czekanowski index. This analysis showed a clear definition of two main areas with different benthic communities. One of them was characterized by mud and sandy-mud sediments with the pelecypods Nucula sulculata and Nucula puelcha and the equinoid Pseudechinus magellanicus as dominant species; the second one was characterized by gravel-sandy sediments with colonial organisms: Sertulariidae, Bowerbankia sp. and Aetea sp. as dominant species. Relationship between juvenile shrimp and a particular benthic community is discussed considering its presence as forming part of the epifaunal benthos.