INIDEP Informe Técnico Nº 23 – 1998

Una aplicación de los estudios ambientales para orientar la pesqueria de la caballa Scomber japonicus en Mar del Plata.

Autores: Ricardo G. Perrotta, Juan P. Pertierra, María Delia Viñas, Gustavo J. Macchi y Leonardo S. Tringali.
Contribución INIDEP 1058

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Citar como:
Perrotta, R.G.; Pertierra, J.P.; Viñas, M.D.; Macchi, G.J.; Tringali, L.S. 1998. Una aplicación de los estudios ambientales para orientar la pesqueria de la caballa Scomber japonicus en Mar del Plata. INIDEP Informe Técnico 23, 24 p. Disponible en:


Application of environmental studies to lead mackerel Scomber japonicus fisheries in Mar del Plata. Both mackerel mean biomass and mean fishing effort in Buenos Aires (Argentina) shelf during the period 1990-91/1994-95 were estimated. Those values were 85,792 t and 42,051 minutes, respectively. However, the best economic profit from the fishery (about $15,390,036)($1=U$S1) was estimated to take place at 28,000 minutes. It was observed a waste in fishing effort of the commercial fleet related with sea surface temperatures of 19°C or more. Moreover, adult mackerel find better trophic conditions on the continental shelf (depth 50m), while larvae originated from massive spawning in late November-early December, i.e., during the main fishing season, find their optimum at lower depths. Mackerel shoals enter and leave fishing grounds in a counterclockwise way pushed by waters from the median shelf. A fishing strategy according with sea surface temperature is proposed to lead the commercial fleet.