INIDEP Informe Técnico Nº 17 – 1997

Estimación de los poderes de pesca relativos de la flota de altura convencional merlucera argentina. Zona patagónica: 41°-48°S.

Autores: C. Gabriela Irusta, Aníbal Aubone, Mario A. Simonazzi y Pedro M. Ibáñez.
Contribución INIDEP 994

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Citar como:
Irusta, C.G.; Aubone, A.; Simonazzi, M.A.; Ibáñez, P.M. 1997. Estimación de los poderes de pesca relativos de la flota de altura convencional merlucera argentina. Zona patagónica: 41°-48°S. INIDEP Informe Técnico 17, 24 p. Disponible en:


Relative fishing power of the hake ice-chilled argentine fleet.Patagonian zone: 41°-48°S. In this paper detailed mathematical description of the generalized lineal model used and data grouping criteria are presented in order to estimate the relative fishing power of four categories of the hake ice-chilled fleet. The analysis was focused to the patagonian sector (41°-48°S) of the hake total distribution area.The fleet has systematically operated in the same fishing areas between 1989-1993. The variables that better explain in yields trends of each vessel category were analyzed. The fishing power of vessels with power higher than 1200 HP has been raising since 1990 because of increasing efficiency. These vessels generate three times more fishing mortality than the standard vessels (lower than 700 HP).